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A bespoke mala necklace is a wonderful start to your journey in reaching the fullest of your intentions which you have set out for yourself - whether it is for emotional support, overall wellbeing or motivation in your daily pursuits of life.


It is also a great way to learn about gemstones and their properties. Most importantly, creating your own mala allows you to decide which gemstones properties or colours you are most attracted to, and finally creating a design that is uniquely yours.


Get fully involved in creating a mala design that calls out to you, that presents your inner goddess!


Prices start from US$140 that covers a broad range of common semi-precious gemstones, to as high as US$300 if exotic stones are used.


To begin your journey of creating your very own mala necklace, simply purchase this listing (based on the entry price of US$140) and provide your email address correctly upon checkout.


Our lead designer will be in touch with you as soon as your order is received and we shall kick start the process from there on.


For more details, please reach out to us at, anytime!



List of common stones (not an exhaustive list though):

1. White Moonstones

2. Amethyst

3. Quartz (clear, rose, peach)

4. Agates (grey, blue lace)

5. Aquamarine

6. Labradorite

7. Amazonite

8. Howlite

9. White jade

10. Tridacna beads

11. Peach Moonstone

12. Petrified Wood


Exotics stones: 

1. Tanzanite

2. Rainbow Moonstone

3. Kunzite

4. Ruby

5. Tiger Eye

6. Kyanite

7. Grey Moonstone

8. Red Moonstone

9. Tourmaline


  • Please refer to Gem Guide to understand more about the properties of each gemstones.

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